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Fruit and milk agar bars

061222dessert_s.JPG Because this milk agar bar has orange bits inside, it tastes both sour and sweet. Very colorful with its while and orange coloring.
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Green tea agar with bananas

061122dessert_s.JPG A refreshing cool dessert with banana added to the Japanese green tea flavored agar. Banana and green tea may sound like an unusual combination, but the sweetness and the bitterness makes for a perfect match making the dessert taste strangely good.
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Soy milk pudding with strawberry sauce

061011desssert_s.JPG Pudding using soy milk with a touch of sweetness. One dish that will make you feel relieved
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Raspberry jelly

071130dessert_s.JPG Raspberry agar with milk and skim milk. Dessert with lots of calcium.
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Pear jelly

071005%20dessert_s.JPG This jelly is slightly sweet and easy to eat. The texture of the pears and the two berries will refresh you!!
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This site is operated and managed by Yamabe Okabe Hasegawa Research, Nutrition Science, Nursing and Nutrition Science Department, Tenshi College. Please send any questions via e-mail.  (in detail)

